How does our bypass assembly work, and when should you use it? Take a look at the article below for tips on how to properly use the handle to control water flow through your softener.
A single bypass comes included with your softener. You may have one with a T-handle or with a Cone-handle (both pictured above.) The bypass is normally only moved when doing maintenance, winterizing, or leaving home for an extended period of time. When in normal service, the handle should stay in the OUT position.
- When in normal service, the bypass handle should stay in the pulled OUT position. That means the water softener is being used.
- When the handle is pushed IN, that means the water is skipping over the unit and it's not being used, resulting in no soft water.
Note: If your bypass handle is stuck, twist or turn the handle to get it moving.
How does a 3 Valve Bypass work? Click here!
A 3-valve bypass system may be found on your home plumbing (if you have one).
- For normal service flow: open the inlet and outlet valves and close the bypass valve.
- To bypass the softener, meaning water will be skipping over softener and it won't be used: open the bypass valve and close the inlet and outlet valves (like pictured above.)
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